Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Why Do I hate Spring So Much?

Across many cultures, Spring is well celebrated- Chinese celebrate the Lantern Festival during this season and in Persia it's the beginning of Nowruz, new calendar year. I know my mum would love this season, if you ever visited my family home it looks like in the middle of nursery! However, I am the only one that I know of hating this season so much and took extra miles to express it. Here are why.

In order for the flower to bloom, they need water. But too much water (rain) for me. 6 days of rain in a week and that one sunny day most likely happen during week days and that left you with weeks of wet weekends. Something that I really not looking forward to after working hard at work- to stuck at home on my only days off.

With sufficient water, the flowers bloom when the flowers bloom they produce pollen and those pollen spread in the air and I happen to be the person that allergy to the high concentration of pollen in the air. Something that I never knew before. Every morning when I walk to work, my eyes start to twitch then watery, my nose start to itch and occasionally sneeze when I'm approaching Myers Park.

It's embarrassing, people that stop at the traffic light on the corner of Greys Ave and Mayoral Drive might think I was crying over something like I just got dumped for example. Clearly I was not. It's the stupid pollen allergic reaction.

Thankfully despite my allergic reaction, I never catch hay fever but people around me are. So many of colleagues fall sick during this season. Coughing and sneezing in my department and across the floor is like an orchestrated symphony! I'm always worry that I might join the orchestra member but cross fingers, hope I'm not.

Living on the 8th floor gave me a clear unobstructed view of the horizon. Usually before I dress up I would looked out the window checking out the sky and see what people are wearing on the street. Most of the time it gave the correct indication like grey sky and saw people in trenchcoat, wearing gloves and their neck wrapped with scarves.

Hence, I follow suit. But halfway to work the sky suddenly clear up (one thing about Auckland weather- it changes unexpectedly) and sun shine super bright. I would boil in my winter jacket.
Just when I thought it's warmer out there, oh yes, do you want to how I know it was hot? I walked out from the shower to my balcony, opened the door and put my leg out. If I felt the chill immediately, that meant I got to put on layers of clothes but If I put my leg out for quite awhile and my hair didn't stand on it own, meant I can put something less padded, less puffy, something light.

As I said, expect the unexpectedness of Auckland weather. In just few seconds the temperature could drop, thank you very much Southernly (wind from South Pole). I was caught in the weather with thin layer of clothing and my only chance to keep warm is to- run! Thank you so much to my skinny body of which couldn't retain the body heat!

Anyway, enough of the whine. If there's no spring there'll be no summer. It's something that you have to live with just like your nagging mother.

Monday, September 27, 2010 Travel The World Campaign

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Saturday, September 25, 2010

24 hours with Only The Cat

In early May, the writer saw a cat in a pet shop after a short visit to the post office. Several days later he came back to the shop to claim his love at first sight, a ginger cat. Ed Mat Rasul wrote his Day 1 experience.

It was just yesterday when I took Only from his cattery in Manukau. Yes the name is Only. Like only you but in this case the only cat. I know "Only" wasn't even a name or a noun. But hey, it's Ed, I don't really care about rules. Anyway, halfway home he cried in his crib. When I took him out, he climbed on me thus pulled the thread out of my knit cardigan. What a brilliant idea to calm him at the cost of my beloved cardigan. So I put him back in the crib. Later, he learnt travelling wasn't that bad.

When we got home, he laid low. Like really low. Like Lamborghini kind of low. He sniffed around the house. Everywhere, every corner. To get himself familiar with the newly found 'territory'.

Only The Cat turned up to be a very affectionate cat. He enjoyed company. He will sit next to me then doze off. But one thing he didn't like, waking up seeing no one around. He'd cry like a baby. Then I was like a crazy single mom.

"Only don't cry. Daddy is here."

Then he would run to my voice. Even when I'm in the toilet. He just couldn't leave me alone.

He took his first meal after his nap. He cried again. I thought he was lonely but he was hungry. I brought him to his bowl. He didn't sniff it. But when I took one biscuit and ran it under his nose, he started to nibble it. Then drink. That's good now he knew where the foods were. Wrong! He still didn't know as of this morning. I still have to direct him to the bowl.

Late evening, yesterday, he had his first wee-wee. I was so proud of him but then again I have to direct him there, seeing him scratching, mimicking the sand, I knew sometime wasn't right. And I was right, he needed to wee-wee.

Then about night, I think somewhere in the middle of 'Go Girls', he did his funny scratching again on my bed. I took him to the toilet, and guess what? He ran out as soon as I put him down. Cheeky little bugga.

Minutes later he did the scratching again then I knew this time for real. I locked him in the toilet.

"You can come out once you berak (poo-poo)!".

While I was laughing watching the second season of 'Go Girls', I heard him crying. He cried non stop. Kept calling my name. OK, that's freaky. No he wasn't call my name.

"Ya keep crying."

But it didn't long. I couldn't stand his cry. So I had a look during the commercial break, and voila. He was sitting down poisely with the sad face and guilty-as-charge eyes. He did a massive poo and it was super stink too. I forgot how stingy cat poo could be.

"Good job son."

Perfect. He ate. He played. He slept. He peed and pooed.

Not so perfect. He did the scratching again. But I didn't gave much attention, because I know he already pee and poo. But I was wrong, he marked his territory right on my blanket! S.O.B!

"Why did you do that for? Do you want to sleep in toilet"

Only replied, "That what will happen when you ignore me."

I asked my housemate, "I thought we pee first then poo."

"I don't know" His usual response, everytime!

I felt asleep after that, well no exactly the minutes after the incident. Herm, you know what I mean. I woke up to realise Only slept next to me. I changed my position. I didn't want to squashed him in my sleep. Then after that, I kept waking up checking on him.

One time he cried. I thought he must be hungry so I took him to his bowl. Instead of eating of drinking, he played with my fingers.

"Only, this the weirdest hour to play."

Learning for the territory marking incident, I took him to the toilet. I closed the door and sat on the cold floor waiting for him. He started to sniff the sand, then scratched it, then did the 'big push' with his eyes hardly open. Funny to see but not funny to smell.

"Only this is not good. I shouldn't be here to see you pee or poo every time. You got to learn to do it yourself."

It was a waste of time talking to him. Didn't think it was registered to his head. So I went to bed again and he followed.

I woke up at about 7ish. I felt so tired. And Only seemed to be sleeping soundly. Resting his head on his front foot.

This morning, he had peed, ate, drank, and play. And as I'm writing this, he cried because no one want to play with him and he climbed my foot leaving trails of claws marks since I was wearing shorts.

So in this almost 24 hours I learn that, Only will cry, 1. if he woke up alone, 2. when he wants to play, 3. when he wants to eat or drink, 4 when we ignored (or busy with our things) him. But he won't cry when he wants to pee or poo!

Monday, September 20, 2010

4 Years of First Day of Eid

Mood: Excited

That year was my first time celebrating Eid away from my family and abroad. I was looking forward for it even before I came to New Zealand! I flew to Christchurch on the eve of Eid to hang out with Muiz, Malaysian student whom I known through Sarah Nadlin, a classmate of mine who did her Working Holiday after graduation.

Contrary to popular believe, I didn't cry or sad at all on the morning of Eid. I was intrigued to know how it feels to pray in the open in Hagley Park. It was absolutely beautiful, with the weather on our side and the spring sun shining bright. One thing about Eid in Christchurch, the takbir only done by the Imam and the makmum just stay quite. Something different from how we do it in Malaysia.

After the pray I mingled with the Malaysian community there and stumbled upon a junior of mine back in secondary school- Aini, a med student doing her clinical year in Christchurch Hospital. Totally didn't expect that. Then we all went to an open house hosted by a Ph.D candidate. With the food and the people, no way I was going to miss Eid in Malaysia.

I headed to city after my belly stuffed. While waiting for the tram in front of Christchurch Cathedral, a local asked me, "Dude are you wearing skirt?"


Then at the gallery another local come to me.

"Baju Melayu!"

"How do you know?" I wondered. He explained, he did homestay in Negeri Sembilan and was taught how to die the sampin. Suddenly there were surge of pride. From an ignorant comment to a well-informed kiwi aware about my culture. I spend the rest of the of the day at the Botanical Garden and punting on the Avon river.

The next day, I left Christchurch to explore some part of South Island to Timaru, to Victorian town of Oamaru and browsing in one of the its few antiques stores, before reaching the final leg in Dunedin. It's was definitely one of my favorite Eid getaway.

Mood: Joy

2008 Eid was definitely the bomb. Here's why. Few months before Eid I happened to know that my college mate lived in Hamilton accompanying his wife studying in Waikato University. We got in touch and soon and even before the cresent of Ramadhan appeared, I knew that I was going to celebrate it there. So I arrange time off at work for the Eid.

I took a two-hour bus ride to their place on the eve of Eid. That evening his wife was busy making chicken rice for the final break fast and of course for Eid as well. I thought the cooking has finish after the dusk but they were waiting for the announcement of Eid from FIANZ then few more friends came to their pad to cook! Way before midnight. Honestly it reminded me of Malaysia.

The morning was such a fiasco, we all busy. I have no idea why. There were only three of us. Adlan forgot to sew his sampin and I come to the rescue with my not-so-magic finger of which I sew it inside out! But with a secret way of folding the sampin, he managed to hide it!

We went to one of the Malaysian family home. Did our pray there instead of at the mosque. One thing about Hamilton that I notice, there were more Malaysian families than the bachelors compared to Christchurch and all those families have their own open houses. We eat non-stop from one house to another fro m morning until night! I didn't even do that in Malaysia.

So tell me how could I miss Eid in Malaysia?

Mood: Glad to be home.

After two years away from home, I finally got home in March. Months leading to Ramadhan, me, my mum and my sister already discussed what were we going to wear. We chose purple. But my brother and his 6 kids. I repeat yes, 6 kids chosen royal yellow! It screamed -MISMATCH!

Glad to be home to help my mum in the kitchen and worked with my sister was something that I really like. We joked around. Made stupid comment about each other. Tell you what, my mum like to act silly too. The tiga beranak in the kitchen sounded more like 30 people.

The morning of Eid at home was really a nightmare- my brother and sister fighting over toilet, my brother screamed couldn't find his butang baju melayu, mum, me and my sister scuffled in front of the mirror, my nephews or nieces crying. Those are the morning commotion that I love about my family.

But the celebration stopped for me soon after the pray. Well I like people coming to my house but somehow I feel empty like something was missing and I started to miss the Eids that I had in New Zealand. I wished I was away for the Eid. Like going for a holiday but what's the point of coming back to Malaysia and not celebrating it with family?

Mood: WTF am I doing here?

"I'm not going to take annual leave this year (for Eid)" I said.

"I don't want to lost over hundred of dollar. I'm saving my AL for my next year!"

So I lived to my words.

The Morning of Eid, I woke up like any other morning. The celebrating mood hasn't sunk in yet. Few days earlier I told Josephine, a Malaysian in Hamilton, I wasn't going to celebrate Eid since I have no Malay muslim friend anymore in New Zealand.

After I got out of shower, while I was choosing what to wear suddenly my hand was looking for my baju melayu. Subconsciously. Perhaps the celebration mood sank on my hand first! So I put it on and constantly asked my white housemate, "Does this look okay?", "How's the colour?", "Does this look girly?", pointing at my sampin. I told him I was quite embarrassed to wear baju melayu primarily because I didn't want the Malay community in Auckland know that I am Malaysian! One thing about me, I kept away from Malay in Auckland.

When I put it on immediately I had second thought. I felt like going to mosque than go to work but then I didn't know the praying time. I googled it but nothing came up. I stayed at home quite awhile before making my decision but I ended up going to work. The closer I get to the office the 'heavier at heart' I felt.

Soon as I get to my floor, I walked straight to Nas, my bestfriend, a Muslim as well and hugged her. I started to cry. I miss my family. I miss the solat Eid ul-Fitr. This is the first time in my entire life I haven't been to perform Eid ul-Fitr pray. I felt really, really bad towards myself.

I felt horrible the whole day for being so materialist and calculative. Now I know how the Christian feel if they have to be alone or work on the Christmas Day.

Note: Careful what you wish for, it might come true even at time when you didn't need it anymore.