Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Why Do I hate Spring So Much?

Across many cultures, Spring is well celebrated- Chinese celebrate the Lantern Festival during this season and in Persia it's the beginning of Nowruz, new calendar year. I know my mum would love this season, if you ever visited my family home it looks like in the middle of nursery! However, I am the only one that I know of hating this season so much and took extra miles to express it. Here are why.

In order for the flower to bloom, they need water. But too much water (rain) for me. 6 days of rain in a week and that one sunny day most likely happen during week days and that left you with weeks of wet weekends. Something that I really not looking forward to after working hard at work- to stuck at home on my only days off.

With sufficient water, the flowers bloom when the flowers bloom they produce pollen and those pollen spread in the air and I happen to be the person that allergy to the high concentration of pollen in the air. Something that I never knew before. Every morning when I walk to work, my eyes start to twitch then watery, my nose start to itch and occasionally sneeze when I'm approaching Myers Park.

It's embarrassing, people that stop at the traffic light on the corner of Greys Ave and Mayoral Drive might think I was crying over something like I just got dumped for example. Clearly I was not. It's the stupid pollen allergic reaction.

Thankfully despite my allergic reaction, I never catch hay fever but people around me are. So many of colleagues fall sick during this season. Coughing and sneezing in my department and across the floor is like an orchestrated symphony! I'm always worry that I might join the orchestra member but cross fingers, hope I'm not.

Living on the 8th floor gave me a clear unobstructed view of the horizon. Usually before I dress up I would looked out the window checking out the sky and see what people are wearing on the street. Most of the time it gave the correct indication like grey sky and saw people in trenchcoat, wearing gloves and their neck wrapped with scarves.

Hence, I follow suit. But halfway to work the sky suddenly clear up (one thing about Auckland weather- it changes unexpectedly) and sun shine super bright. I would boil in my winter jacket.
Just when I thought it's warmer out there, oh yes, do you want to how I know it was hot? I walked out from the shower to my balcony, opened the door and put my leg out. If I felt the chill immediately, that meant I got to put on layers of clothes but If I put my leg out for quite awhile and my hair didn't stand on it own, meant I can put something less padded, less puffy, something light.

As I said, expect the unexpectedness of Auckland weather. In just few seconds the temperature could drop, thank you very much Southernly (wind from South Pole). I was caught in the weather with thin layer of clothing and my only chance to keep warm is to- run! Thank you so much to my skinny body of which couldn't retain the body heat!

Anyway, enough of the whine. If there's no spring there'll be no summer. It's something that you have to live with just like your nagging mother.


  1. Very nice...and i totally agree with you about the polen...and the rain here...think we ll be frogs again :(

  2. I know right, maybe Kiwi were frogs in previous life! That's why this country rain too much..

