Monday, January 31, 2011

His balls, GONE!

If you think I chopped Only's ball off, well almost literally right. But, nayh, I haven't had the guts yet for him to lie sedated at the vet operating theater. I blamed the post-op video of a male ginger cat in youtube. His leg was still numb and he couldn't wake properly. I'll cry if I saw Only like that.

OK, back to the balls talk. The balls that I meant here were the hairball on his legs. Only has medium-long-ish hair on his back legs right up to the tail and he hated, he absolutely hate me brushing his tail. But I still brushed him anyway even without his will but the part behind his back legs I can never do it right. He ran. I chased him. I brushed him then he slapped my hand. How rude. I know right. Most part, I just managed to brush his back and neck and that area left un-groomed for a while and over the time it became matted. I tried to untangled the hair and as usual I got slapped or worst, he snatched the brushed from my hair! Honest. This isn't a made up scenario. Then the tangled grow bigger and bigger and there were times I want to just cut it with scissors but Only has a very high IQ for a cat. As soon as he saw me with scissor he run and hide under the couch. So tell me how can i fixed it. I gave up.

Only looked so pissed. I woke him up.

So today he was napping on table next to my laptop. I had a look at the hairballs, honestly it looked gross. Like a homeless cat. So I played with it while he still sleeping. He was too sleepy to slap my hand I think. Then I felt around the hairballs, its about to drop so i just pulled it. I got one. The biggest one. The woke up and changed position. Just perfect, so I grab the other one and pull it out. Succeeded. No hand got slapped.

If you look down here, that's how big (one of the) balls are. Bigger than 20 cent.

On the other note, it's been awhile since I last my blog. My brain has been drained my a major corporation therefore the creative juice doesn't flow as fluidly as before. Bla..bla..bla..I know it's just an excused.

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