Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Cat got their balls cut.

So yesterday I was talking about hairball and bla bla bla why I didn't want to desex Only just yet from videos I watched on youtube. After I posted that entry I was thinking why didn't I insert that video. Then today, I just want to put the videos that left a lasting gruesome images in my head.

Watch this one first:

Just looking at vet working on this tom cat's ball, I feel horrified. I know it's for something good, like reduce the number of unwanted kitten and stray cats but I couldn't bear to see Only in pain. Well, he's not if they knock him down.

This second video is the post-op, and see what happen to the cat's leg. I know it's temporary but then again I couldn't see that happen to my and only cat.

What can I say, I'm a soft hearted person and that tell you what sort of person am I. A good one. Lol. Even looking at this still images my eyes already watering since I could related myself to them (because they all ginger).

If Only need to go to this surgery, doctor need prescribe me with some hardcore pills that can knock me down and forget what happen to Only later on. Is there such pills? None. Good. Means Only will have his balls for now. (Cross my finger. Hopefully pharmaceutical company won't formulate that pills!)

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