Saturday, February 12, 2011

My take on Valentine Day

Lots of going on in the paper about certain group of Islamic activists and ulama "telling" other fellow muslim not to celebrate Valentine Day. Un-Islamic. That's their stand. According to them, it leads to sex outside marriage.

Okay, let's go back hundreds of years ago when Valentine was still alive. He was promoting people to get married so that the boy/men wouldn't be sent to war. In fact in 10 Commandment of Christianity, one should have sex with one's spouse.

Over the time, the society become liberal and secular and sex (outside marriage) become something...hermm..something okay.

But I have no idea where people got the association that love needs to be followed by sex. And somehow celebrating of Valentine Day become the worldwide fuck-fest for the unmarried couples.

The celebration of Valentine Day isn't even a Christian thing and the ulama quoting Hadith and Quran to make their point concrete that it is haram (illegal) to celebrate V-Day. Celebration of love not necessarily an insertion of one person penis to another person cavity. By cavity I mean, herm, just be creative about it. I know you know what I mean. Love can be expressed in many ways and not just on the bed. I feel like there are some discrepancy in this debate.

I understand those group of Islamic activist trying to deter fellow unmarried muslim from having sexual pleasure and end up pregnant and dump the baby in the dumpster. It's a commendable thought, but not for someone who can think for themselves.

My take on valentine Day is- it's a commercial bullshit just like what Christmas has become- people more worried about buying and getting gift than the birth of Jesus. In fact Eid Mubarak in Malaysia has become very commercial. Kids concern more about getting "green packet" than asking for forgiveness.

To sum everything up, I'm not crazy about V-Day. Commercially or sexually, but it is a day nice to know that I've been loved by someone who cares.

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